Tso Moriri Lake Travel Guide: Discover the Untamed Beauty of Ladakh

Tso Moriri Lake Travel Guide: Discover the Untamed Beauty of Ladakh

Tso Moriri Lake is a hidden gem in Ladakh. It sits high up, at a stunning 4,522 meters, surrounded by tall, snowy mountains. Unlike its famous neighbor, Pangong Lake, Tso Moriri is quiet and peaceful.

The lake’s still waters mirror the beautiful mountains around it, making it look like a picture postcard. This peaceful place is perfect for people who love nature, birds, and adventure. Whether you want to relax or explore, Tso Moriri is a must-see place in Ladakh.

How to reach:

By Road:

The most common route to Tso Moriri is from Leh, Ladakh. This approximately 220-kilometer journey takes about 7-8 hours, winding through the picturesque Indus River Valley. Notable stops include Chumathang, renowned for its hot springs, and Sumdo. While generally accessible by road, the high altitude and potential rough terrain can make the drive challenging.

For a more adventurous trip, combine a visit to Tso Moriri with a stop at Pangong Lake. This route traverses the remote Changthang region and the village of Karzok. Though offering breathtaking scenery, it requires careful planning due to limited amenities along the way.

By Air:

Leh’s Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport connects to major Indian cities. While flights are available, reaching Tso Moriri still necessitates a road journey from Leh.

By Public Transport:

Public transport options to Tso Moriri are limited to infrequent shared taxis or buses from Leh. For greater flexibility, consider hiring a private taxi or renting a vehicle.

Best time to visit:

May to June:

Temperatures gradually increase during these months, with daytime highs ranging from 15°C to 20°C. Nights can still be quite chilly. The landscape begins to awaken, showcasing vibrant green patches against the rugged mountains. The thawed lake mirrors the clear blue sky and snow-capped peaks. This period is ideal for photography, trekking, and birdwatching as migratory birds start arriving.

July to September:

This is Tso Moriri’s peak season, offering warm days (20°C to 25°C) and cool nights, perfect for camping. The lake and surrounding areas are at their most colorful. Clear skies provide stunning panoramic views. Visitors can enjoy hiking, birdwatching, and exploring nearby villages. Immerse yourself in local culture by experiencing traditional festivals.

Avoiding the Winter:

From October to April, Tso Moriri experiences harsh winter conditions with sub-zero temperatures and heavy snowfall. The lake freezes over, and roads become impassable. This period is not recommended for most travelers due to extreme weather conditions. Only experienced adventurers with appropriate gear and preparation should consider visiting during these months.


Tso Moriri Lake:

Tso Moriri Lake, Ladakh, Xplro

Tso Moriri is a magical lake hidden in the heart of Ladakh. It’s a huge, sparkling blue lake surrounded by tall, snowy mountains. This peaceful place is so beautiful, it feels like a dream.

What makes Tso Moriri special is how quiet and empty it is. Unlike other famous places in Ladakh, there aren’t many people here. So, you can really relax and enjoy the silence. It’s also important for nature, as many special birds live and raise their babies here.

Korzok Village:

Korzok is a tiny village right by Tso Moriri Lake. It’s one of the highest places people live in the world! Life there is tough, but the people are strong. They build their homes with stones and live a simple life. Many people in Korzok raise yaks and goats. They move around with their animals, following the best grass. But when winter comes, they return to the village. It’s like a big family living together.

There’s also a very old and important monastery in Korzok. It’s over 300 years old! People come from far away to visit and pray. Once a year, they have a big festival with special dances and prayers.

Korzok Village, Ladakh, Xplro

Wildlife Spotting:

Wildlife Spotting, Ladakh, Xplro

The land around Tso Moriri Lake is a wild and empty place. It’s a big, open area with rolling hills and not many plants. But don’t be fooled! Lots of amazing animals live here.

You might see graceful gazelles called ‘goa’ eating grass. There are also mountain goats called ‘bharal’ that climb rocks really well. If you’re lucky, you could spot a rare Tibetan wolf or even a snow leopard, which is like a big, beautiful cat. Wild donkeys called Kiang run around too.

Parang La Trek:

The Parang La Trek is no easy walk in the park! It’s a super tough hike through some of India’s highest mountains. You start near the beautiful Tso Moriri Lake and walk through wild, empty places. The hardest part is climbing up the Parang La Pass. It’s really high up and you need to be super strong and used to the thin air. But when you get to the top, the view is mind-blowing! You can see forever.

You’ll cross freezing cold rivers and walk through different kinds of land, from hot deserts to icy valleys. You might even see some nomads who live with their animals.

Parang La Trek, Ladakh, Xplro

Local Experiences:

  • Live like a nomad: Spend a night in a traditional Changpa tent, a cozy yak wool home, and join locals in herding their animals.
  • Experience local culture: Attend the Korzok Gustor Festival, a vibrant celebration with traditional dances and prayers.
  • Savor local flavors: Enjoy delicious Ladakhi food like thukpa and momos, prepared by local families.
  • Discover local crafts: Learn about traditional weaving techniques or buy beautiful Pashmina wool from the Changpa.
  • Explore the natural world: Go birdwatching or take a wildlife safari to spot amazing animals like the Tibetan gazelle.
  • Connect with the community: Visit the ancient Korzok Monastery or spend time with a nomadic family to learn about their way of life.

Travel tips:

  • Get ready for the altitude: Spend a few days in Leh to adjust to the high altitude before heading to Tso Moriri. Pack altitude sickness medicine as a precaution.
  • Get the right permits: You’ll need a special permit to visit Tso Moriri. Get an Inner Line Permit in Leh.
  • Dress warmly: Even in summer, it gets very cold, especially at night. Pack warm clothes, gloves, and a hat.
  • Fuel up: There are no gas stations near Tso Moriri, so fill up your car in Leh.
  • Bring cash: You won’t find ATMs or card machines. Bring enough cash for your trip.
  • Take care of yourself: Drink lots of water, avoid tiring activities at first, and pack a first-aid kit.
  • Disconnect to reconnect: There’s no cell service. Enjoy the peace and quiet, but let someone know your plans.
  • Pack smart: Bring snacks, water purification tablets, and plenty of water.
  • Respect the land: Tso Moriri is a special place. Be mindful of the environment and follow local customs.
  • Safety first: Travel with a group or a guide, especially if you’re alone.


A journey to Tso Moriri Lake on Xplro.com is more than just a destination; it’s an immersive exploration of Ladakh’s unspoiled wilderness and rich cultural tapestry. The lake’s serene beauty, nestled amidst the stark Changthang Plateau, offers tranquility unmatched. Whether you’re captivated by the shimmering waters, intrigued by the Changpa nomads’ lifestyle, or excited by the prospect of spotting rare wildlife, Tso Moriri delivers a unique and rewarding adventure. As you bid farewell to this high-altitude haven, the memories of its pristine beauty and the warmth of its people will linger, a testament to a world where nature and tradition reign supreme.


1. What is the ideal time to visit Tso Moriri Lake?

  • The ideal time to visit Tso Moriri Lake is between May and September. During these months, the weather is relatively pleasant, and the roads to the lake are more accessible. This period offers clear views of the lake, which remains unfrozen, and allows for enjoyable outdoor activities.

2. How can I get to Tso Moriri Lake?

  • To reach Tso Moriri Lake, travel by road from Leh, situated about 220 kilometers away. The journey typically involves driving through Chumathang, with alternative routes available via the Manali-Leh Highway and through the village of Tso Kar.

3. Are permits required for visiting Tso Moriri Lake?

  • Yes, visitors need an Inner Line Permit (ILP) to access Tso Moriri Lake, given its proximity to the Indo-Tibetan border. This permit, essential for both Indian and international tourists, can be secured from the DC office in Leh.

4. What types of accommodation are available near Tso Moriri?

  • Accommodation options near Tso Moriri include basic guesthouses and homestays in Korzok Village, as well as a few campsites close to the lake. It’s wise to make reservations ahead of time, especially during the high travel season.

5. Is it safe to visit Tso Moriri Lake?

  • Visiting Tso Moriri Lake is generally safe. However, due to its high elevation of 4,522 meters, visitors should take necessary precautions to prevent altitude sickness by acclimating properly and staying hydrated.

6. Can I camp at Tso Moriri Lake?

  • Camping is permitted at specific areas around Tso Moriri Lake. It is crucial to adhere to environmental guidelines, camp in designated spots, and ensure that all waste is carried back with you to minimize environmental impact.

7. What wildlife can be observed around Tso Moriri?

  • The Tso Moriri area is rich in wildlife, including Tibetan Gazelles, Himalayan Blue Sheep, Tibetan Wolves, and a variety of bird species like the Black-necked Crane and Bar-headed Goose.

8. Is there mobile phone coverage at Tso Moriri?

  • There is no mobile phone coverage around Tso Moriri Lake. Prepare for a communication blackout by informing someone of your travel plans beforehand and considering this when planning your trip.

9. What should I bring on my trip to Tso Moriri?

  • Pack warm clothing for all seasons, as temperatures can drop significantly at night. Include a high-quality sleeping bag, snacks, water purification tablets, and any essential medications in your gear.

10. Are there food options available at Tso Moriri?

  • Food options near Tso Moriri are limited. Basic meals are typically offered by guesthouses and campsites, often featuring traditional Ladakhi dishes. Bringing some snacks and non-perishable food items is advisable.

11. Can Tso Moriri be visited in winter?

  • Visiting Tso Moriri in winter is possible but not recommended due to extreme cold, road closures, and the lake being frozen. The region’s harsh conditions make it challenging to access and enjoy.

12. How long should I plan for a visit to Tso Moriri?

  • A typical visit to Tso Moriri Lake generally takes 2-3 days. This duration allows for travel from Leh, proper acclimatization, and sufficient time to explore the lake, Korzok Village, and nearby attractions.

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